High Performance power instruments and systems tailored to demanding Defense Applications
Kepco has improved the speed, reliability and quality of LRU testing and systems availability
of mission critical systems with power systems designed, built and supported in the USA for decades.
From early radar systems to today's advanced communications and automated
test systems (ATS), Kepco's COTS and modified COTS power solutions help keep the world safe. Kepco's standard, MIL-STD-461 compliant power supplies such as Series JQE provide ultra low ripple power that allows rapid testing without noise to interfere with measurements.
Test Faster, Break Bottlenecks in LRU testing. Kepco's standard, MIL 461 compliant power supplies provide fast, high precision,
ultra low ripple power delivers rapid testing without noise to interfere with measurements. Kepco's fast, multi-programmable bipolar power amplifiers are many times faster than legacy SMPS that often constrain the testing of DUT's.
BOP's high bandwidth lets you source and sink high power with precision and speed, reducing test time. Multikilowatt BOP systems provide test solutions for devices like AI chips that require higher power. Kepco's ATE and MAT series provide high speed, low noise unipolar power.
Deliver High Reliability. Kepco's fault tolerant, redundant power systems run applications that need to operate 24/7, 365 days/year. With 99.9999%+ system availability, these system run applications like secure satellite down links for data and voice. The ultra low noise configurations
power clear voice communication for applications like air traffic control. The systems they power don't need to come down to allow maintenance of the power supplies because the power supplies are hot swappable and the rack adapters they mount in are passive. The N+1 architecture with active current share reduces the footprint of these solutions to little more than a non-redundant supplies. This architecture guards against latent failures typical of stand-by, back-up power systems.
Support Legacy Systems - TPS Compatible, Plug Compatible Replacements. Kepco's AC and DC power supplies and electronic loads provide solutions to extend the life of legacy defense systems. Kepco's
TPS and Plug Compatible power supplies provide turnkey, modern alternatives to obsolete and unmaintainable power supplies and loads. Kepco's power supplies support CIIL, MATE and ABLE to avoid the need to rewrite TPS's and update the test environment.
Multi-channel power solutions. Multi-channel power solutions using using COTS power supplies are easy to integrate into new or legacy applications. Kepco delivers these systems configured to meet mission requirements.
The system pictured here meets MIL 28800 cargo bounce requirements and includes a custom PDU and runs off vehicle DC or generator AC power. It is MATE compatible and controlled using CIIL, ABLE and other GPIB based systems.
innovative solutions. Kepco's innovative solutions include systems like these portable, transit case mountable power supplies that provide multi output, programmable low voltage DC, high voltage DC and AC-AC power. The AC and DC channels are software configurable
for parallel and multi phase operation.They are MATE compatible and are a form, fit and function drop in replacement for legacy power supplies. NO REWIRING, NO TPS CHANGES. Just
remove the old supplies, mount the new Kepco supplies on the existing slides and plug in the MIL Spec connectors. In minutes, old unmaintainable supplies are replaced with modern, fully supported Kepco power supplies.
Part of the special features of these systems is a controller that allows the control and monitoring of a huge variety of MATE compatible modern, Kepco power supplies providing 20 watts to 45Kw, 0-6 to 0-5,000 volts of unipolar and bipolar power all from a single GPIB address.
Find out how Kepco can provide power solutions to meet your needs. Don't see what you need? Call us. We have a huge set of solutions to fit your needs or we can create one. Connect with Kepco's Applications Engineers to tailor a solution for you.
ATS Power Supplies
Unipolar / Bipolar Power Supplies & Loads
Legacy System Power Supplies
Plug Compatible, TPS Compatible, ABLE/CIIL/MATE Compliant
Embedded System Power Supplies
Ultra Reliable, Redundant, 28 Volts
d-c programmable system power 1800W/rack
- Plug-in up to 9 units in 4U x 19” rack.
- GPIB, long range serial bus, VXI,
Ethernet, USB.
- N+1 redundancy, hot swap capability.
- Precision stabilization
0.002% voltage, 0.02% current.
- Multi-output: 1 to 27.
Unipolar power, d-c and a-c 50W - 5000W
- Conventional filtering or high speed mode (up to 1 volt per microsecond), user selectable.
- Precision stabilization: 0.001% source, 0.002% load.
- Ultra low noise.
- GPIB, Ethernet, USB optional.
- Multi-output: 1 - 48.
- MIL-STD-461 Compliant.
bipolar power, d-c and a-c
- Source & sink, 4 quadrant operation.
1-7.5kW, ±0-6Vdc to ± 0-300Vdc
- Fast analog/digital programming.
- GL option for inductive loads.
1-6kW, ±0-10Vdc to ± 0-100Vdc
- Precision stabilization: 0.05% source, 0.1% load.
- Built-in arbitrary waveform generator.
- Green recuperative sinking.
- MUlti-output: 1 - 12.
dc programmable system power 1800W/rack
- 6600/66000NXP 3000 TPS/Plug compatible replacements.
- Plug-in up to 9 units in 4U x 19" rack.
- N+1 redundancy, hot swap capability.
- Precision stabilization 0.002% vdtage, 0.02% current.
- Multi·output: 1 to 27.
- MIL·STD·461 control 20w to 5Kw
bipolar power, d-c and a-c 100W, 200W, 400W
- Source & sink, 4 quadrant operation.
- Fast analog/digital programming.
- GPIB, Ethernet, USB optional.
- Precision stabilization: 0.001% source, 0.002% load.
- Optional optimixatiion for inductive (-L) and capacitive (-C) loads.
- MUlti-output 1 - 12.
- MIL·STD·461 compliant.
- Calibrator re~acement for precision guidance systems.
Voltage, current and power-limited operating boundaries, 1200 Watts
- VXP 3000 HVDCPS TPS/Plug compatible replacement.
- GPIB, RS 232 & isolated analog control standard.
- Ethernet, USB control optional.
- Multi·output: 1 to 12.
bipolar power, d-c and a-c
- 1Ø, 2Ø, 3Ø, programmable
- 60-1,000 Hz.
- VXP 3000AC TPS/Plug compatible replacement.
- GPIB, RS 232.
- Multi-output: 1 to 4 per enclosure.
- Parallel operation - Programable.
d-c electronic loads, linear 50OW -90kW
- NH 4700/4300 replacement.
- Low noise, non·regenerative
- Complete turnkey systems.
- User configurable.
- Up to 600 Amperes/Module,
- Constant E, I, P, I/E, E/1.
- Air Cooled.
- Single & Multi·Channei Models.
- USB, Ethernet, GPIB.
Ultra Reliable, Fault Tolerant
d-c plug-in, hot swappable power, 50-1500 Watts
- Wide range a-c input with PFC.
- Built-in isolation diodes for hot swap.
- 3.3 to 60V d-c, including 28V model/
- Current share for N+1 redundancy.
- Systems to 60kW, 6kW per drawer.
d-c plug-in hot swappable power 1000W - 1500W
- Wide range a-c input (1000W models).
- 3.3 to 125V d-c, including 28V model.
- 99.9999% availability.
- Current share for N+1 redundancy.
- Systems to 45kW, 4.5kW per drawer.
Fixed Programmable System Power Supplies
d-c modular power Programmable 300W -3000W
- 0 -600V outputs, including 28V model.
- Zero up and 12C programming.
- Assembled to order; multi-output assemblies.
- DIN rail and customized mounting.
d-c modular power 50W -300W
- Wide range a-c input with active PFC.
- Low profile, optional cover.
- FCC Class B conducted and radiated emissiions.
- Assembled to order; multi-output assy’s.
- DIN rail and customized mounting.
- 3.3V - 48V output.
Explosive/Harsh Environments
d-c modular power 50W - 30kW
- Explosion-proof.
- Fault Tolerant, Redundant. Hot swappable,.
- No system downtime for maintenance.
- Dusty, wet environments.