- The SN 488 implements the AH1 acceptor handshake and L1 listener, plus listener-only functions of the IEEE 488 protocol.
- The SN Series incorporate optical isolation (up to 1000 Volts d-c), so they may be used to control floating power supplies.
- The SN 488 offers a choice of single or dual channel operation. Each channel is completely isolated from the other so that they can be used to drive independent instruments or two functions of the same instruments, (e.g., voltage setting and current limiting in an ATE power supply). Both channels obtain their data through a single input connector. Addressing is used to select which channel responds.
- Both single and dual channel models are stocked; however, a single channel model can be converted to a dual channel model by the installation of either a Model SN 612 (binary) or a Model SN 603 (BCD) field installable card.
- The SN 488 provides a means of controlling positive or negative polarity. This feature is useful when the SN 488 controls a bipolar power supply such as the Kepco Series BOP.
- The SN 488 provides a means of controlling range over a 10:1 ratio. This is accomplished by a programmable attenuator. The "high" range provides a 0 to ±10V analog output; the "low" range provides a 0 to ±1V analog output.
- Model SN 488 accepts ASCII encoded data. Data format is hexadecimal or decimal.
- 3-digit BCD (decimal) resolution is 1 part in 999 (0.1%). 12 bit binary (hexadecimal) has a resolution of 1 part in 4095 (0.024%). NOTE: The data rate on an IEEE 488 bus will be determined by the controller.
N = Channel select: 1 or 2.
C = Control character: 0, 1, 2, 3(See Truth Table).
VV = Data as a percent of full scale.
Note: The maximum output of the binary models is FFF (Hex). The maximum output of the BCD models is 999. In both
instances "maximum" corresponds to an analog programming voltage of ±10V or ±1V (depending on the range selected).